[email protected]      (337) 321-3356


Please download the Talent Show – Rules and Expectations here.


We are so excited that you are interested in being a part of our Hub City STARS teen talent show and vocal competition this year!

The Hub City STARS talent show was created to give an opportunity for local, teenage singers, young STARS, rising STARS and SUPERSTARS, to showcase their amazing vocal talent on one of the BIGGEST stages in the south!

The Hub City STARS Talent Show is a Fundraiser for the Gifting Grace Project whose mission is to FREELY LOVE, SERVE and SUPPORT Homeless Children and Teens in our community. We provide them and their families with essential resources, support services and community advocacy to remove unnecessary barriers they face and empower them pursue their purpose.

We are are looking for teenagers who are not only gifted in singing, but most importantly, have a heart for our mission.

STEP 1: First Round Auditions

Please download and read all Talent Show – Rules and Expectations here!

First Round of Auditions.

        1. We will be accepting applications and audition videos between February 8th to March 15th, 2025 at 11:59pm.
        2. Must complete the online application that includes a video submission link. Preferrably YouTube.
        3. Must submit a link to a video recording of the contestant intentionally and purposely singing. This needs to showcase contestants vocal talent ability.
        4. Application and video submission will be presented to the Talent Show Committee for review and selection of those who will move on to the Second Round of Auditions.
        5. Contestants should hear from the Committee no later than March 16th, 2025 by the end of the day.
        6. There is no application fee.
STEP 2: Second Round Auditions

Second Round of Auditions. (Selection of FINALISTS)

      1. Up to 3 applicants will be selected for the Second Round of Auditions and will be considered a FINALIST.
      2. Each Finalist is required to set up an online fundraising page through our fundraising platform no later than March 22nd. It is very simple however Event Organizers will be available to assist. Dollars donated through your individual fundraising pages will be allowed to be entered for additional votes until every performance is completed on Saturday, April 12th, 2025 at 4:00.
      3. Finalists are highly encouraged to invite their family, friends, schools, churches, civic clubs, beta clubs, etc., to donate money on their behalf through their page.
      4. Since this is a Fundraising event, every dollar raised for the nonprofit organization counts towards the finalists final scoring with the judges. This can make a huge difference with your scoring. For every $100 donated, 1 additional vote will be added to the contestants overall score in the finale.
      5. Each video must be uploaded by the contestant to YouTube and the link submitted to the Event Organizers so that it can be embedded into your fundraising page.
      6. Video submission must be posted/submitted on the Parent/Guardian OR Contestant’s Facebook profile OR Instagram profile. **ONLY ONE POST will be allowed to be counted for votes. Must be posted no later than 11:59pm on March 23rd.
      7. Contestants must tag the pages @hubcitystars, @wingwarsofacadiana and @giftinggraceproject on Instagram and also must tag @hubcitystars, @wingwarsofacadiana and @giftgracela on Facebook.
      8. This 1 minute video submission must include the following:
        1. Contestant “PERFORMING” part of a song. Committee would like to see that the contestant has some history of Vocal Performance in a live setting in front of an audience. If it is not in front of a live audience, then it needs to be done in such a way that it showcases the contestants ability to command a stage and perform for an audience. This can be a recording from church, another vocal competition, School performance, festival performance, etc.
        2. Contestant giving a short explanation of the Hub City STARS teen talent show fundraising event.
        3. Contestant giving an appeal to the audience to LIKE, COMMENT, AND SHARE the video audition.
        4. Must be a MAX of 1 minute LONG.

    (example: (Sing a couple of lines from a song) then say something like, “Hi everyone, my name is Kenzie and I am auditioning for the Hub City STARS Teen Talent Show a benefit for Gifting Grace Project. Please VOTE FOR ME by LIKing, COMMENTing and SHARing this video so that I can Win the FINALE on April 12th at Parc International! Thanks!”)

    1. Each Like, Comment and Share on the ORIGINAL POST will count as 1 vote towards the contestants entry into the FINAL PERFORMANCE at Parc International.
      STEP 3: Final Audition

      FINAL ROUND OF AUDITIONS (LIVE on stage @ Wing Wars of Acadiana Festival)

          1. A maximum of 3 Contestants will be selected as FINALISTS to perform at the Wing Wars of Acadiana Festival on April 12th.
          2. The FINAL AUDITION will take place LIVE on stage at Parc International on April 12th, 2025. Between 3:30 and 4 pm.
          3. Parc International, 200 Garfield St., Lafayette, La 70501.
          4. The Hub City STARS Talent Show will be taking place live during the Wing Wars of Acadiana – Chicken Wing Festival.
          5. Contestants are required to have an Accompaniment Track/MP3 available for their particular song unless they would like to sing while playing a guitar or keys.
          6. Contestants will sing in front of a panel of 4 Judges.
          7. Contestants will be judged according to the criteria as stated in the Judges “Criteria for Judging” below.
          8. Contestants will be allowed to raise money through their online fundraising page up until the end of the Hub City STARS show is complete around 4:00. Every $100 raised is an additional 1 point towards the Judges overall score.
          9. Contestants will need to arrive no later than 2:00 pm.
          10. Contestants are welcome to perform a sound check the morning of April 12th around 9:30am. Contestants are also welcome to visit the park and walk on the stage the day before on April 11th.
          11. Contestants must be dressed appropriately and should “dress to impress”.
          12. Each Finalist will be given 2 free wristbands for entry for their immediate family members. Additional family and friends must pay $5 General Admission to enter.
          13. Awards Ceremony for the Talent Show will take place at 4:00pm.
          14. Rehearsals with your own accompaniment track for this live performance will take place 1 week prior to the event on April 3rd, 2025. More details to be disclosed to the Finalists. This rehearsal will include singing in front of the events official judges and receiving feedback and suggestions on your performance.


            1. First Place Winner will receive the title of Hub City STAR! They will also receive a t-shirt, trophy, a $300 prize and a gift basket. 
            2. Second Place Winner will receive a t-shirt, trophy and a $100 prize.
            3. Third Place Winner will receive a t-shirt, trophy and a $50 prize. 
            4. Every Contestant who submits an application to participate in the Hub City STARS Talent Show will receive 2 FREE Entry Wristbands to the Wing Wars of Acadiana Festival to attend the Finale. 
          > > > We really hope you will join us and help us lift the voices of the voiceless in our community. < < <

          Talent Show Application
          Step 1 of 4
          To submit your video audition for the Hub City STARS Talent Show, please fill out the form below.
          There is NO APPLICATION FEE.
          Application and video audition must be submitted no later than March 15th, 2025 at 11:59pm.
          *Contestant must be between the age of 13 and 19 years old by May 18th, 2024.
          Freely Love, Serve and Support Homeless Children. Gifting Grace Project is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID: 86-2431236. Your donations are tax-deductible to the full extent as allowed by the IRS. 217 Rue Louis XIV #100, Lafayette, La 70508