[email protected]      (337) 321-3356


wwa Wing Toss Tourney


Don’t miss the WWA Wing Toss Tournament to see who can win the title of “WWA Toss Boss”.

This contest costs $15 per person to enter and anyone 16 or older can enter to participate. This ticket to participate includes entry into the festival.

(Participants may want to pick a partner to signup with. They will need a ticket as well.)

Winners will receive:

  • A FREE WWA Tshirt.
  • 12 FREE chicken wings.
  • A trophy with the title of “WWA24 Toss Boss”!

All participants receive a FREE WWA chicken wing keychain.

    Official WWA Wing Toss Tourney Rules:
    1. Pair up: Divide your team into pairs. We will accept as many teams as we can. 
    2. Tossing: One player tosses a wing to their partner.
    3. Catching: If the partner catches the wing without dropping it, both players take a step back and the toss continues.
    4. Distance: The goal is to toss the wing back and forth between two people at increasing distances without dropping it.
    5. Step back: After each successful catch, players must take one step backward so that the tosses are longer and longer.
    6. Win: The last team left with an undropped wing wins the game.
    7. A team has to leave the game if one individual drops the wing.
    To participate, please fill out the form below.
    You are encouraged to signup as a Team with 1 partner.
    Each participant must purchase a $15 Ticket. (This ticket includes General Admission into the Wing Wars of Acadiana event. This fee is non-refundable.)
    Application by both participants and fees must be received before entry into the contest is approved.
    The purchase of a Ticket is accepted as a donation to www.GiftingGraceProject.com and your registration fee for participation.
    Any questions or concerns can be addressed by David Owens, Chairman at 337-321-3356.
    Please make checks payable to Gifting Grace Project, Inc. and mailed to:
    217 Rue Louis XIV, #100, Lafayette, LA 70508
    By submitting this application, the participant is agreeing to the following rules:
    No handguns, firearms or weapons are allowed in this festival. The Wing Wars of Acadiana Committee reserves the right to refuse or eject any person from the festival for violation of any rules, local, state, or federal laws or whose conduct is deemed illegal, disorderly, dangerous, or offensive. The participant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Wing Wars of Acadiana Festival, Gifting Grace Project, Inc. and any of its officers and members from and against any and all liability, loss, injury, damages, and/or claims, of any cause whatsoever that may be suffered by a participant and/or property.
    Clear Signature
    Signature *
    Freely Love, Serve and Support Homeless Children. Gifting Grace Project is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID: 86-2431236. Your donations are tax-deductible to the full extent as allowed by the IRS. 217 Rue Louis XIV #100, Lafayette, La 70508